This bag is made from a left over piece of leather. Too small for any of the bags that I have in my collection. But looking at the piece of leather, I knew that there had to a bag in there still. I just had to make the right cuts to get it out. And as you see in the picture: riddle solved. A cylinder bag with adjustable strap.
When I finished the bag, there was still a little bit of material left and that resulted in the tiniest of wallets. 6,5 x 7 cm. It's complimentary. It perfectly fits an AirPods case.
There is a small mark on the strap. It's nothing serious, and I left it in on purpose, otherwise there wouldn't be a strap at all.
Dimensions: 25 x 11 x 11 cm, handle drop from 8 to 35 cm. Only one piece available.