You've come here to create your own Vif. This is how it works.
These are the nine colours available to choose from:
Bamboo (light green), Sun (yellow), Rock (grey), Violet, Moss (dark green), Midnight Blue (very dark), Dune (light brown), Raspberry (pink) and Soft Gold.
These are the parts of the bag you can choose a colour for: Front, Back, Left, Right, Handles, Shoulder Strap.
Nine colours and these six options, that leads to 531,441 possible bags. A bit too many to display all on this modest website. That's why you can leave your favourite combination in a comment with your order. This is your chance to create your unique Vif.
You don't have to choose 6 different colours. A two-tone of for example Raspberry and Violet is lovely too. Or a more muted version of Midnight Blue and Rock. 👌 You can see some examples of it here.
Your order could look like this: Front: Raspberry. Back: Bamboo. Left: Sun. Right: Sun. Handles: Moss. Strap: Violet.
Copy/paste the above line to your order comment and change the colours as you please. And I'll make your Vif just as you like it.
In the pictures you see just a few possible outcomes. Too many options? You can always just go for the Vif as it is.
Dimensions: 27 x 16 x 11 cm. There's one inside pocket.